Pay Membership Dues

We now offer the option of paying your membership dues online via PayPal. Select the type of membership you want to pay dues for, and follow the onscreen instructions. We have three types of memberships as follows:

Family Membership

Dues amount is $35.00. This includes a membership for your family and requires that you have a valid/current amateur radio license.

Individual Membership

Dues amount is $25.00. This is an individual membership and requires that you have a valid/current amateur radio license.

Associate Membership

Dues amount is $15.00. This is an individual membership for those who do not yet have a valid/current amateur radio license.


Donate to the Club.

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K5SLD/R 147.140+ PL 110.9, 224.800 PL 110.9, 444.200+ PL 100.0

220 Repeater is offline until further notice

2 meter Motorola analog and 70 centimeter repeater is Fusion Digital - turn on tone for in and out for analog.